women training together at Fundamentals at Guerrilla Fitness



Monday 19th

Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit Warm-up A: Back Squat (10 RM) B: Hollow Complex (4) Metcon (No Measu…

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How to maximise your gym time.

Ok, time is precious and the gym is a time to clear your head space, but none of that means that you can’t take simple measu…

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Why its best to train in the morning.

Training in the AM is in my opinion is one of the single biggest changes you can make that will dramatically change your entire li…

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You cant build fitness on dysfunction.

This would be the ethos of Guerilla Fitness and our coaching philosophy summed up into one sentence. Rarely do we see a new member…

Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is one of the big buzz right now in the fitness industry. I believe functional fitness comes down to two specif…

3 ingredients for a recipe for success in your training

Are you new to the gym or a veteran to the iron game? It doesn’t really matter because both of you need to ensure you are adding…

The ultimate guide to gymnastic training for CrossFit.

Hopefully you can find yourself within this blog and I have outlined some simple progressions that will see you progress. I like t…

When was the last time you had a service ?

When was the last time your body got a service? I bet you can tell me when you last gave your car one however. Let me follow this …

Kettlebell Workout

Is CrossFit for you ?

CrossFit has grown massively in recent years from an underground hardcore training system to a more main stream clean cut training…

people working out in a group fitness class


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