Today’s blog is a simple insight into my own and most likely every sane fit and lean individual’s. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE all “junk” food. I love chipper food, I love pizza, I love ice cream, I love chocolate, I am an absolute pig and will clean the plates of any family or friends I am having dinner with and especially deserts !! Genuinely, I cannot stress enough that I have a food addiction. I LOVE FOOD so much, I would sit and eat my own bodyweight in food very happily and when I was playing rugby at a high level tipping the scales at 17 stone and consuming 6 monster meals a day and 10,000 calories in an attempt to hit 18 stone I can categorically tell you that yes I am an absolute pig when it comes to food. But I only weight 79kg and I am a super lean 8% bodyfat, how is that possible? I don’t put myself in the face of temptation because I will fail every time. No sweet treats come into our house and if they do they are devoured. The point I want to make as you is that you think the fitspo’s on insta and magazines are incredibly disciplined and blessed with good genetics and Im here to tell you that’s rubbish. They just don’t put themselves in the face of temptation and educate themselves so they know how to eat to fuel themselves to kill cravings and know when and how they can let loose and binge.
So here is my top tips for getting lean and mean;
- Don’t bring junk food into the house EVER
- Never shop hungry
- Make 90% of all meals at home