Ya I said it, meal plans suck! Almost anyone who wants to start of on a diet will look for a meal plan which looks something like as follows; Breakfast – 7:30am 3 eggs, scrambled 1 cup vegetables 1 piece whole grain toast 1 cup coffee 1 glass water Morning snack – 10:00 1 protein bar 1 handful mixed nuts Lunch – 12:30pm 4 oz chicken 2 cups salad 1 handful seeds 1 glass water After exercise – 4:30pm 1 scoop whey protein 1/2 cup frozen fruit 1 tsp omega 3 oil 12 oz water Dinner – 7:00pm 4 oz steak 1 cup cooked veggies 1 baked potato 1 glass water And do you know what, if you stick to a meal plan you are guaranteed success. But then what? You return to old habits, go back to eating the foods you like or eating the way you once would have? A meal plan is exactly like a medical prescription of say antibiotics and if you run the course like the antibiotics you will get better and see change, but once the course runs out you just return to normal. You see meal plans are a short term solution, no good nutritionist will give you a meal plan, instead they will give you answers. You need to consume X amount of calories with the following breakdown which factories in your lifestyle, activity level and goal. They will give you the tools to get to that end goal but ultimately you need to do the building. As they say “teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry again, but give a man a fish and he will be hungry tomorrow” or something to that nature 😉 Now, of course you can find bottom of the barrel trainers and nutritionists who will give meal plans but that is a rant for another day. Ultimately the road to success is not a short one and the only way to not just getting to the end goal but staying there is through learning, educating yourself on nutrition so you can make daily decisions around your lifestyle which suit you and your needs so you never take a wrong turn again. A meal plan is only giving you the fish, but if you lean to fish, then you are sorted for LIFE !!