This week on our member spotlight we speak with Aileen ( the women who keep Hugh in check 😉 ) who is always a pleasure to have in a class. Although she is relatively new to us in Guerilla she has thrown herself into the deep end and gets involved in everything we do. Alieen we love have you training with us and I’m glad you  are loving all things about Guerilla.
- Name – Aileen McCarthy
- Age – 23
- Occupation- Care Assistant
- How long have to been at Guerilla Fitness ?- Been with Guerilla just over 4 months
- What do you enjoy about Guerilla ? Jesus I can’t think of anything I don’t like about Guerilla. I love how every class is different and challenging. Being in a class encourages you to push yourself and to keep going. Hardly being able to walk out the door after a good session.
- What is your favourite and least favourite movements ? I’d have to say my favourite movements would probably be deadlifting and back squatting. My least favourite would definitely have to be anything that requires mobility as my mobility is shocking especially overhead mobility I would also have to say rowing is definitely a weakness when you have short legs and arms it doesn’t help.
- What is your biggest achievement so far ? I’d say deadlifting 60 kgs considering that’s my bodyweight and more. Also doing 10 toes to rings unbroken on my first attempt at doing toes to rings. Beating Hugh at a game of x’s and o’s was also good ;).
- What are your future goals ?- To improve on my rowing and continue to get stronger and fitter. To improve my mobility so Brendan will stop giving out to me 😛
- Any advice for someone starting out or thinking of starting out with Guerilla.- I would advise anyone to try it out. I can guarantee that you won’t regret it! Everyone is always so welcoming and encouraging to new members. The coaches are great and really motivating. If you want something that is challenging and will dramatically improve your strength and fitness Guerilla is definitely for you.
- Tell us something we don’t know about you ? I have a level 8 in Early childhood studies. I’m very competitive and I love sport. I’ve played football since i was 6. I play rugby with Bantry ladies which most people don’t believe me. I’ve been a coeliac since the age of 13.
- Who is your gym buddy that you love training with the most? I suppose it have to say Hugh who was the one that encouraged me to join Guerilla.