Did you check out part 1 from yesterday, you can check in here http://bit.ly/2qKeuWl Ok, so yesterday we established the following;
- In order to lose weight, you MUST consume less than you burn
- This is best achieved through consuming slightly less food while increasing your exercise expenditure
- When you eat and how often you eat has absolutely zero baring on weight loss.
Today I want to look at different diets and how you can BEST set yourself up for success and lose those unwanted pounds. Whats the one thing every diet has in common ? PALEO, IIFYM, HFLC, ATKINS, WEIGHT WATCHERS, KETO etc etc the list is endless but they all have one thing in common and that is CALORIES MATTER. A paleo diet may not count calories in theory, nor will a keto diet as opposed to IIFYM or weight watchers but they do eliminate certain foods which make it hard to over consume empty calories. You see it all boils down to calories and the vast majority of the western world is overweight or worse and this is because we are grossly over consuming empty calories from fizzy drinks, to baked goods, starchy foods, sweets and processed foods.
Now two MAJOR factors are at play here.
- weight management
- health, wellness and performance.
Yesterday we established that in order to lose weight you simply needed to consume less than you expend. This means that in theory you can eat McDonalds morning, noon and night and still lose weight once you burn more. With this logic many people are tying to cram in as much junk food as possible and still see if they can lose weight. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN HEALTH? OK lets lay it on the line, here are the facts some people want to look at;
- You can eat WHATEVER you want, once you consume less than you burn. TRUE
- You can when ever or as many times as you like once you consume less than you burn. TRUE.
But anyone who eats junk food, despite the maths or logic will not lose weight and they most certainly wont be healthy. Have a little bit of common sense !!
- Although you can eat WHATEVER you want, if you did eat McDonals for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is POSSIBLE to lose weight if you burn more than you consumed its highly IMPROBABLE as you are eating empty calories with little to no nutritional quality and no micro nutrients and as a result your body will still crave food as your not feeding it what it wants. So as a result your still hungry and you will over eat as your body NEEDS high quality vitamins and minerals which are not found in cheap calories.
- Although you can eat WHATEVER you want, if you did eat McDonals for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week your health would significantly deteriorate from headaches, feeling sluggish and constantly lethargic as your blood cholesterol skyrockets due to the high levels of monunstaturated fats.
Now I know my example is an extreme one, it is plausible that despite what may be possible that does not mean it will work. This is where what I call “nutritional intelligence” come to play and make the whole thing come together.
- If you eat wholesome, NATURAL food’s and macro nutrients, such as meat, fish and poultry, LOADS of colourful seasonal vegetables from both root and leafy type, some fruit and nuts with a little starch, following a diet your parents would have growing up, one free of cans of MONSTER, and take away dinners you will eat a diet high in MICRO NUTRIENTS which is what your body wants and needs which means you can eat copious amounts but as its so nutrient dense you will find it hard to over consume calories.
- Eating a diet with nutritional intelligence will not only set you up to lose weight but you will feel super energised and focused.
- Follow a 90/10 rule and have one bad meal or two small treats over the course of the week.
So lets conclude this two part series which if you can follow will make you leaner and healthier than you have ever been without question.
- In order to lose weight, you MUST consume less than you burn
- This is best achieved through consuming slightly less food while increasing your exercise expenditure
- When you eat and how often you eat has absolutely zero baring on weight loss.
- No matter what type of diet you follow CALORIES MATTER
- But if you eat a diet high in nutrient density you will find it hard to over consume calories, feel fantastic and lose weight as a result.