Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
TGU X 2 ea
Shoulder CARs x 5 ea
x 4 rds / 10 mins
Hollow / Arch 20-20 EMOM X 5
Metcon (No Measure)
Part A) 10 MIN AMRAP
Weighted Pull up x 5 / Pull ups + Negative / Banded Pull up
4 – 5 sets
Part B) 10 mins
DSHSPU / SHSPU / SABMAT/ Ring Dip / Push Ups
4-5 sets of quality
C) 10 mins
Skill development
T2B / K2E / Pull through
Kipping HSPU / Handstand / Headstand
3-4 sets max of each