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What’s next ?

Always be asking yourself what’s next !!

While its important to look back and be proud of how much you have achieved, you need to continue to look forward and push the goal posts out a little further every day.

So you got your first press up, You passed your exams, You got a promotion, You won your race. Congratulations.

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But, you only have to walk into any bar, anywhere in the world and listen to the stories of a “has been”. Someone who has little to be proud of and looks back to their wonder years when they had drive, determination and commitment. However, some day came when they attained their goal and they never asked themselves, what’s next? They just let themselves go…..

Don’t sit back on your accomplishments. Every night your head hits the pillow know that you are back to scratch and you wake up with a new day, a new challenge for betterment, a new opportunity to go one better.

That’s the mentality needed to not just lose weight, but keep it off. That’s the mentality, do not just run your first 5km but to sprint the next one. That’s the mentality that doesn’t just get you a promotion but gets you headhunted.

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Improvements can always be made and you can always be better and do better. Be proud of what you have done, look back on it for motivation, but always be asking yourself, whats next.

people working out in a group fitness class


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