Who you are today result, who you are tomorrow is a choice.
Think about that for a moment.
Who you are today is a culmination of your environment, the culture you where brought up in, the experiences you encountered etc etc, but who you are today is a direct result of the past, you cant change it or impact it, its done.
However, who you are tomorrow is a choice, you can chose to continue down the same path and continue to make the same choices and be the same person. Now if you are happy with where you are at and who you are then keep being you.
But if your unhappy in yourself, with your “lot” and who and where you are at in life, then you have the power to change that. You cab choose to eat another ready made meal, or eat another candy, you choose to work in a dead end job, you choose to say negative things about others, you choose to watch Love Island !!
Or you can choose to learn how to cook healthy, exciting tasty meals, you can choose to eat fruit over candy, or you can choose to upskill and get a job with more prospects, you can choose to say something positive about someone and not say anything at all and you can choose to read more and watch less tv.
Who you are today is a result of the past. Who you are in 5,10, 15 years will be different as you encounter new experiences and new people. We are not fixed, our personalities, like and dislikes change over time so don’t think who you are is who you are because you can choose to be who you want to be !!