What gives you the right to earn to earn a PB was my thoughts when speaking with a client recently. During a recent conversation, a client was disappointed with their performance in a recent test having failed to improve or PB on their previous performances.
Now, normally I would tell someone that there are many factors which determine how you fair on a test day, putting it into simple terms, some days you feel like Tarzan and others you feel like Jane. Sleep, diet, stress etc all play its role in determining how well you can perform on any given day and sometimes we all have off days, worse, sometimes they fall on test days and you fail to see your progress in raw data despite progress being made.
However, some people set unrealistic expectations and more importantly some people fail to put in the work to level up their fitness and end up disappointed as a result when they fail to hit a PB.
The single biggest aspect I love about training is that it levels everyone. Talent, status, education, money and or you job title for example don’t matter for anything. You get what you deserve and if you fail to put in the work, you fail to get your reward.
So what did I say to this client? I simply said, hand on heart, have you done enough to level up? This person, agreed they hadn’t. While they have been reasonably consistent in coming to classes etc, they have been coasting and had zero interesting in pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone and they simply didn’t deserve to level up their skills as they didn’t put in the work.
Moral of the story, stop checking in and ticking boxes, stop cruising and start grinding and getting outside of your comfort zone because that’s where progress lives.