MCS 0242

Move Safer, Move Better, Move Faster.

Movement, movement, movement. Everyone must be sick and tired of me harping on about moving better and focusing on perfect movement, after all, you just want to get a sweat on, get a bit fitter and lean up right? MCS 0508 I get it, I do. I know you want to go to the gym and go balls out but one hand feeds the other. When it comes to movement and exercise, intensity is bottom of the food chain and complexity is at the top. Apart from the obvious difference between elite gymnasts/weightlifters etc is that they place an emphasis on perfection and again I know you don’t want to be an Olympian but the point I am making is that the elite became elite because they chased perfection and didn’t settle for anything less. If you want to get just a little fitter, stronger and leaner etc then I promise, if you focus on moving perfectly then you will see much faster progress. In contrast, coming to the gym and just going balls out with no thought about how well you are moving won’t bring you very far.   MOVE SAFER, MOVE BETTER, MOVE FASTER.   Move safer. Our goal is most importantly to get you moving safely, sounds like a no brainer but the vast majority of people are BROKEN when we first meet them. Fitness and body composition can be easily improved but getting someone moving better and making their body healthy is a much harder task but also the most important. How many people do you know who in their 40s + have shoulder and or back problems but are highly inactive? Inactivity is slowly killing people and when the same people decide to become active then we must first address the major issues. MCS 0242 Move Better. Once someone can move safely, then we want to see them moving better. Here we can introduce more complex compound movements that challenge the body and force you to move well such as a barbell front squat. If you can’t move well on certain movements you simply can’t perform them and if you don’t move better you won’t see improvements. Video Move Faster. Only when you can move optimally should you focus on moving heavier loads and moving faster.  We can’t build strength on dysfunction so once this has been addressed then you can floor it 😉   So remember one thing, movement is king and the better you move the better you perform. Therefore focus on the movement and everything else looks after itself.

people working out in a group fitness class


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