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How I lost 50 pounds in 6 months!!

I have always struggled with my weight and have tried and tested almost every diet out there. Yes, I have lost weight before and I have succeeded in shedding pounds by counting points, bites, sins, yums, or following Dr. Atkins, Dukan, you name it, the book has been on my shelf. However, these minor successes were shortlived and never sustainable. None of these plans ever addressed the real issues, my relationship with food and exercise, my basic knowledge of nutrition and my appreciation of a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Operation x dealt with all of these things. It erased every misconception I ever had about good food and bad food and brought me right back to the basics. I learned about calories, macro nutrients and portion control, and equally the importance of sleep, daily activity and my overall energy and wellness. While I still have a long journey ahead of me in terms of weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes, I am armed now with a wonderful start, a huge weight loss behind me, I am fitter and stronger and have a deeper understanding of what a balanced lifestyle involves. 

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The wonderful team at Guerilla guided me every step of the way. Not at any stage was I ever told what to eat or what not to eat. I recorded everything I ate and each week I was guided to make one small change. Week after week I made changes myself that brought me to a place of much deeper understanding of what foods I needed and what foods worked best for me and my family.

My eating habits changed gradually and very quickly I started to see the rewards on the scales. I started to feel lighter, stronger and fitter. Operation x is not just about food. It is about adjusting your lifestyle and habits gradually, small changes every week that build and mount to a complete lifestyle overhaul, without ever really feeling restricted or ‘on a diet’. 

The exercise for me was a huge challenge. Even setting foot in the gym sent butterflies a float in my stomach. I felt completely out of my comfort zone, extremely self conscious and out of my depth. At the beginning every movement was difficult, the vocabulary was like a different language and I thought that I would never move beyond that anxious, sore, awkward and clunky person in the class. But I did. Thanks to the wonderful one to one training at the very beginning, expert guidance and support from the coaches and the wonderful encouraging and friendly members in the gym, I slowly but surely became more confident and competent in the classes and felt an improvement in my fitness and strength week after week.

Operation x is delivered by dedicated, motivated, committed and highly knowledgeable trainers. I felt like Brendan knew the challenges that lay ahead of me before I ever arrived at them myself. He prepared me for every bump along the way and remained committed throughout. When you are being led by such a consistent and educated trainer, it’s easier to stay committed and consistent yourself. I am beyond happy with the results I have seen and look forward to the next step of my journey to a happy and healthy weight and lifestyle. I could not have done this without Brendan, Hillary and their team and I am truly grateful.

The whole process has been life changing for me. I used to avoid climbing the stairs, I felt tired and sluggish all of the time. I felt out of control of my eating habits and every effort I made to gain control again seemed like a drop in the ocean and pointless. Life was busy and I couldn’t see the point in setting time aside for myself to exercise. I was irritable and very frustrated with the lack of control over my own lifestyle. Operation x was exactly what I needed and has helped me on the path back to the real me. I can’t recommend this Programme highly enough.

Claire Meehan.

people working out in a group fitness class


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