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Member Spotlight – Carol O Boyle

This week on our member spotlight we caught up with Carol O Boyle. Carol is with us almost half a year now and only recently is starting to see some HUGE improvements in her overall strength and fitness levels but her body shape as well. Carol is apart of a small group of now only 11 people who are still to miss a class in 2017 and for all her commitment and effort she is as I said getting her just reward. Carol is a pleasure to coach and she has really developed from someone who seemed to find training a chore to someone who is now really enjoying her training. I look forward to seeing you go from strength to strength over the coming months. Anyway, here is the lady herself. IMG 4554  

Name: Carol O’Boyle
Age: 48
Occupation: Teacher
How long have you been at Guerilla ? 5 months …
What do you enjoy about Guerilla? I love the head space it gives me from my normal life. The people I’ve met in class are brilliant and so much fun.  I am enjoying getting stronger and fitter. The coaches have been amazing, they have encouraged and been so patient with me. They are helping me stay focused and committed to my journey. They have scaled everything for me so I feel like I am achieving..
What’s your favourite and least favourite movements?
I enjoy most things but detest rowing and assault bikes as I have terrible technique and struggle through it…..I like the gymnastic movements and would love to be able to stop ‘swinging’ when I move….
What is your biggest achievement so far?
I can at last do 5 push ups in a row… easy feat for me… I have managed to make three classes a week since I started… that’s such an achievement for me as I literally have gone from couch to Guerilla.
What are your future goals? I would love to be able to move better, with more skill. By 50 I hope to be ‘fit’, ‘flexible’ and ‘flying’…..
Any advice for someone starting out or thinking of starting with Guerilla?
Get yourself in the door, that’s the hardest step… After that you will be caught up in buzz and your fitness journey will begin.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I wish I could fly…
Who is your gym buddy that you love training with the most?
I am always in different classes so have met lots of people and have enjoyed training with them all.
people working out in a group fitness class


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