Athlete of the month – March

As its the last Friday of the Month is time to nominate our pick for the athlete of the month for March.

This was a major challenge given the impressive performances from the 2017 CrossFit Open.
 Sunset charity run 2018
Obvious choices would have been our higher placed athletes such as Edel , Andrew and Mossy for some hugely impressive performances or maybe even Niamh Witty who has been killing it as of late making drastic improvements.
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But for overall effort, excitement and improvement we had to look at two athletes who really stood out, Alex Petit and Ivan Buchanan.
Both Alex and Ivan where immense over the course of the Open both surprising themselves with some  impressive performances.
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But we can only give it to one person so we had to go with Ivan for his consistency in his training which is wielding some huge numbers with a 80kg clean and jerk most recently.
Keep up the good work buddy, we are so proud of you.
people working out in a group fitness class


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