Friday 28th

Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit


Chiillout Friday.


Then Chill and Relax.

Metcon (No Measure)

25 min AMRAP.

(In teams of 2-4)
– 400m object carry
(all team members can participate and help take turn or share the load)

-100 Partner Wall balls
(1 person does a wall ball, the next person need to jump in and catch the ball and perform a wall ball. The ball can NEVER touch the ground or stop or face a 5 burpee team penalty)

-40 Russian passes
(Like a russian twist, only line up alongside your team mates and pass the medball through the line for 1 rep. If anyone’s feet touches the floor the ball cannot be passed)

-100 over the plank jumps
(one person must be in a plank position while team members must complete 100 jumps over the plank )

NOTE – Reps and teams will be made scalable.
This is about fun and noting more!!

people working out in a group fitness class


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