Can weight training make women bulky ? The TRUTH !

dsc_7277The myth that weight training can make women bulky is a conclusion that can be easily drawn when you look at bodybuiling and other similar fitness magazines where both men and women look like absolute monsters. But the same people are full time athletes who train 20+ hours a week, their nutrition is perfect and they would use stacks of different anabolic agents to help with the growth of muscle. This is the same as drawing the conclusion that my mum plays golf, its hilarious, but she try’s šŸ˜‰ but that doesn’t make her Tiger Woods and no matter how hard she tried, she could never become like a professional, never mind Tiger. Similarly, no matter how hard a female tried, without the use of anabolic agents, mass amounts of muscle are impossible as females do not posses enough testosterone to grow muscle. But don’t take my word for it, we ask one of our fittest members who has been training with us for nearly 3 years, coming in 5 times a week without fail, even over Christmas she was training. “I joined Guerilla Fitness in January 2014. From the very beginning, people warned me about working out with weights as they said I would get bulky.Ā  Besides the false assumptionĀ  that there is only one ‘correct’ way for a woman to look, these comments annoyed me as my priority was about building my strength. I hadn’t even thought about getting ‘big’.

I have been a member of Guerilla Fitness for almost 3 years now and I have never been happier. I am lean and toned. I feel stronger and I am fitter than I could have ever dreamed of becoming. After 3 years of weight training I can categorically say that I am not bulky. In fact I have to work extremely hard to gain any bit of muscle and to increase my strength. Crossfit has totally transformed my body but more importantly, it has transformed my life. Ā “
So ladies, there you have it. Weight training cannot make you bulky, if you are lucky, you might build some muscle tone if you train SUPER hard, you might even loose some bodyfat and gain strength, but big bulky muscles is one thing you wont get and thats a FACT.
Thank you to Michelle O Neill for her contributiondsc_3199.
people working out in a group fitness class


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