Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
Warm up
Musical med ball
A) Sandbag squat x 10
b) Side Plank x 20/20
x 5
Death by PROWLER
At the top of each minute complete a prowler push adding 1 length with each minute starting with 3
0-1=3 lengths
1-2 =4 lengths
2-3 =5 lengths
RPE 9/10
Warm-up (No Measure)
CrossFit – High Skill
Warm up
10 Sandbag squat
10 side lunge
2 P. stretch
X 3 rds
A): Front Squat (X5 *FROM FLOOR*)
B): Russian Twist (X50)
Metcon (No Measure)
9 squat clean 80/50
15 C2B
21 T2B
3 rds for time
12 min time cap
RPE = 8/10