Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Scap Push up
Scap pull up
X 2
Face pull
X 2
Hollow / Arch x 20/20
X 2
A: EMOM – Strength
1) Pull up most complex x 5 / Negative / Ring row
2) Strict HSPU / Ring Dip / Press ups + support / Negative
3) Hollow Roll / Hollow and arch
4) Rest
X 4 rds
B: EMOM – Movement
1) Muscle up / C2B / Kipping Pull ups / Pull through
2) HSPU / ABMAT / Handstand / Headstand
3) T2B / K2E
4) Rest
X 4 rds