Guerilla Fitness, Home of CrossFit West Cork – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Lat Pull down
– Internal torque for teres major + external torque for lats.
– Side lunge with load
– D.B Press
– R.twist
10 min AMRAP
Metcon (No Measure)
Kettlebell complex
A) Ex oblique opener x 2 x 20 sec
B) Double KB Swing x 10
C) KB Press x 8-10
D) Front rack carry
Rest 3 mins
Dumbell complex
12 min AMRAP
A) Row to pockets x 10-12
B) Reverse lunge x 8-10 each leg
C) RDL X 10-12
D) Thruster x 8-10