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Practical Nutrition Tips for Busy Lifestyles

The fast-paced, hectic climate of today’s world makes it difficult for many of us to find the time to eat properly. Instead of spending the time necessary to prepare healthy meals, we find ourselves grabbing quick fixes, candy bars out of vending machines, and deli sandwiches from the garages. Such choices don’t come without a price, though. Over time, they have a very negative impact on our health, as well as on our ability to perform our best. Here’s a collection of tips to help you “get your eat on” in a healthy and inexpensive manner without having to devote hours of your day to food preparation: enhanced buzz 11676 1435070296 5 At Home:

  • Start off your mornings with a blender shake consisting of a protein powder, and some healthy fats like walnuts or flaxseed oil, different types of fruit.

Prepare the shake “dry” at night by putting all the ingredients in a Tupperware container. In the morning, all you’ll have to do is put some ice and coconut milk in the blender, dump in the contents of the container, and blend for about thirty seconds. This way, you can prepare and consume your first meal of the day in just a few minutes.

  • Prepare all your meals on one day of the week. Choose a day when

you’re not very busy, like Sunday, to cook all your meats, vegetables, etc. Divide what you prepare into meals you can freeze in separate containers, then each night before you go to bed take out what you need for the following day and let it thaw overnight in the fridge. This might sound like a lot of work at first, but after a couple of weeks it will become part of your regular routine. On the Road:

  • Keep your car and office stocked with items like tuna pouches, bottled water, some protein powder, nuts and seeds, etc…
  • Didn’t pack any food? Stop at a supermarket instead of a fast

food joint. Most supermarkets have salad bars, sushi, and other healthy options.

  • Most fast food restaurants now offer a healthy menu; choose items like chicken salads, chicken wraps, baked potatoes, etc. Deli-style fast food restaurants where you can get a turkey or chicken and mixed veggies

images 3 In the Office:

  • Pack a lunch. Not only will this save you money, but you’ll also have complete control over what you eat each day.
  • At a business lunch? Most restaurants should have a healthy choice like a chicken salad or a piece of fish or baked/broiled chicken with some steamed vegetables. Ask to have any sauces or condiments put on the side.
  • Not enough time for a meal at work? Keep a couple of pre-made

protein shakes (a couple of scoops of protein powder) in plastic shaker bottles at your desk or in your toolbox. In less than thirty seconds, you can add water and consume the entire “meal.” These emergency meals will also come in handy if you ever have to work an extra long shift and don’t have anything else prepared. The first step to success is making a firm commitment to a healthy diet. Once that’s done, solutions with arise on their own. With a little bit of planning and determination, even the busiest schedule will be no obstacle to sound nutrition.

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