You know you are doing something right with testimonial’s like these and many many more like it “Worth every single cent. I joined up on the suggestion of a friend, not truly knowing what I was getting into. I heard it involved rigorous physical activity, training, not for the faint of heart, Surely I wasn’t going to last long the veritable couch potato that I was. But I was wrong! The coaches are seriously good, they will assist, encourage and educate you to ensure you get the most out every class. They will vary every class you attend so each session will be different form the last, it NEVER gets dull, and always tests you. I’ve only been here only a month but without a doubt, I feel stronger, more energetic, and most of all, more content with my life. Give it a shot, you won’t regret it.” Owen Collins “My life would not be the same without Guerilla Fitness. I visited many gyms and just wasn’t happy. I wanted to feel part of a family. I will never forget first walking into Guerilla and meeting Brendan and Hilary for the first time,they had the biggest smiles on there faces. They took the time from their workout to meet me and focused on the goals that I wanted to accomplish. From that day forward, I had my Crossfit (Guerilla) family. I am lifting heavy, getting stronger, and moving faster. My life would not be the same without Guerilla Fitness. Before each WOD, I still get butterflies from the excitement of conquering a new goal, setting a new PR, or just giving it my all… Thanks Guys, you’re doing an amazing job!” David o Donovan “Guerilla Fitness has revolutionised my attitude to fitness! I’m hooked.. After the initial shock to the system that is 😉 Thanks for the regular encouragement and stellar training!” Avalon Shields “I’ve never been sporty, athletic or the most coordinated (I majorly struggle with a skipping rope!), but every time I left Guerilla I felt like I had achieved something. I’ve joined so many different gyms and done so many classes over the years, none of them were a patch on Guerilla. A major difference is the absolute focus on fitness, strength and function. Most gyms I’ve been to are full of mirrors and people posing in and around the squat rack, none of this nonsense in Guerilla! Hilary, Brendan, Eithne and Kieran are just unbelievable. They care for you individually, scaling everything but pushing you hard too. Hilary’s high – fives and hugs would make your day, thanks Hills! The welcome and sense of belonging in Guerilla is amazing, everyone knows you and roots for you. The training has given me a new perspective on my fitness and body image, it’s all about being better today than I was yesterday. It’s not about inches or numbers on a scales anymore. I could go on all day about the place. If you’re thinking about joining, just do it! Thanks again Guerilla!” Mairead Cronin
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